so i'm hunting for a job up here. i've been deer hunting once, at 4 in the morning, sitting for hours behind a stump not moving or talking hoping to see a deer; then getting back to the house at the time that most normal people are just waking up, with nothing to show for my time of disciplined stillness and silence. i couldn't help but think, "i could've been sleeping. in that case i could've at least dreamt that i got a deer, or at least saw one". well, that experience was way more fun than this.
Elizabeth Elliot said, "we prize what we cannot easily get. we take for granted, we even come to despise that which cost us no effort." now, Elizabeth Elliot is one wise woman but this is an exception! i certainly would not despise a job that i got with little effort! i would be VERY thankful for a job that i don't have to spend hours laboring over my resume to perfectly tailor it, or spending what fills like years of my life filling out job applications that seem more like the spanish inquisition! no, i would be happy to be working 8-5 and making rent.
i should have job offers out the wazoo for all the applications i've filled out! consulting firms, YMCA, IBM, the world of non-profit: world relief, world vision, UW, catering companies, hotels, even job listings on craigslist!
do i want the perfect job? yes. but what i'd like more is for every time i sit down and order a cup of coffee-which is rather frequent-to not have to think to myself, "how am i going to pay for this? i don't have a job!" because really, nobody should be plagued with such thoughts when they should just be savoring a good cup o' joe.
tomorrow i will apply at starbucks.